LLM Prompt Engineering - inferring 用 LLM 進行情緒辨識、主題判定
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讓 LLM 判斷文字情緒
lamp_review = """
Needed a nice lamp for my bedroom, and this one had \
additional storage and not too high of a price point. \
Got it fast. The string to our lamp broke during the \
transit and the company happily sent over a new one. \
Came within a few days as well. It was easy to put \
together. I had a missing part, so I contacted their \
support and they very quickly got me the missing piece! \
Lumina seems to me to be a great company that cares \
about their customers and products!!
prompt = f"""
What is the sentiment of the following product review,
which is delimited with triple backticks?
Review text: '''{lamp_review}'''
response = get_completion(prompt)
What is the sentiment of the following product review,
which is delimited with triple backticks?
Review text: '''{lamp_review}'''
調整 prompt : 直接 output 情緒
What is the sentiment of the following product review,
which is delimited with triple backticks?
Give your answer as a single word, either "positive"
or "negative".
Review text: '''{lamp_review}'''
response = get_completion(prompt)
Give your answer as a single word, either "positive"
or "negative".
人的情緒不只正面和負面, Ekman(1972)定義了六種基本情緒:驚訝、憤怒、厭惡、快樂、悲傷、恐懼,我們可以給定這些情緒,請 LLM 判斷某段文本含有哪幾項,或是直接請 LLM 判斷可能有哪些情緒
lamp_review = """
Needed a nice lamp for my bedroom, and this one had
additional storage and not too high of a price point.
Got it fast. The string to our lamp broke during the
transit and the company happily sent over a new one.
Came within a few days as well. It was easy to put
together. I had a missing part, so I contacted their
support and they very quickly got me the missing piece!
Lumina seems to me to be a great company that cares
about their customers and products!!
prompt = f"""
Identify a list of emotions that the writer of the
following review is expressing. Include no more than
five items in the list. Format your answer as a list of
lower-case words separated by commas.
Review text: '''{lamp_review}'''
response = get_completion(prompt)
Identify a list of emotions that the writer of the
following review is expressing. Include no more than
five items in the list. Format your answer as a list of
lower-case words separated by commas.
Is the writer of the following review expressing anger?
The review is delimited with triple backticks.
Give your answer as either yes or no.
整合: 萃取商品資訊和情緒資訊,輸出 JSON
以往需要好幾隻模型的任務,chatGPT 可以一氣呵成
prompt = f"""
Identify the following items from the review text:
- Sentiment (positive or negative)
- Is the reviewer expressing anger? (true or false)
- Item purchased by reviewer
- Company that made the item
The review is delimited with triple backticks. \
Format your response as a JSON object with \
"Sentiment", "Anger", "Item" and "Brand" as the keys.
If the information isn't present, use "unknown" \
as the value.
Make your response as short as possible.
Format the Anger value as a boolean.
Review text: '''{lamp_review}'''
response = get_completion(prompt)
output :
"Sentiment": "positive",
"Anger": false,
"Item": "lamp with additional storage",
"Brand": "Lumina"
以往都要使用 LDA 這類的語言主題模型,chatGPT 也輕鬆達成
Determine five topics that are being discussed in the \
following text, which is delimited by triple backticks.
Make each item one or two words long.
Format your response as a list of items separated by commas.
我自己的嘗試 : 如果想要用更學術的分類,可以加上 `The types of topics could be based on field of study.
topic_list = [
"nasa", "local government", "engineering",
"employee satisfaction", "federal government"
prompt = f"""
Determine whether each item in the following list of \
topics is a topic in the text below, which
is delimited with triple backticks.
Give your answer as list with 0 or 1 for each topic.\
List of topics: {", ".join(topic_list)}
Text sample: '''{story}'''
response = get_completion(prompt)
output :
nasa: 1
local government: 0
engineering: 0
employee satisfaction: 1
federal government: 1